Allison Sinkewich and her series of cross-stitch stills from “2001, A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick. This set of 12 stills has a profound level of precision and vibrancy. At first glance the work looks like a photo, as you get closer you see the individual stitches acting like ones and zeros like a computer’s color display system. The artist has created a dialogue between thread and technology, AI and ancient practice, art and its creator.

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“Nobody knows what the fuck they are doing at any level, so just go for it.”

This statement may be crass, but it is also one of the most helpful realizations I have ever had in my life. I have a habit of overthinking, a habit of perfectionism. I want to do all the messy work behind the scenes and then poof, like a magic trick, share the perfect, final version. And I have done this because that's what I thought I had to do to be enough, to be worthy, to be a real artist, and so people take me seriously and of value.

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Paige Stewart

LEGACY TOTEM - Our inheritance as humans is more than our genetic dispositions, or family it is unfolding at every level societally, politically, environmentally, and spiritually. And our legacy that we are leaving collectively and individually is greater than we could ever imagine, what are we leaving for those who come after us?

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Paige Stewart

Paige’s current series called Reservoir is now available at Lawson-Fenning in Los Angeles. This series looks at how we manage and preserve water in the West.

Her movements between LA and Colorado tracing the watershed from one to the other, watching the levels change over time entranced her and led to a deeper dive into what language we use, “When we talk about water we are talking about the feminine.”

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ReservoirPaige StewartSeries

This project started many years ago, it began when I heard one line in one poem... "(What) if there is a god, who thinks that we are god? Do we hear her prayer, do we?" - from The Million Man March by Kurtis Lamkin. I was an atheist when I heard this but something about the question landed. What if we are being asked to do, to make, to take action, perhaps even to be an answer to a prayer, but we have to be willing to hear it. Especially if that prayer comes from our own hearts.

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Paige Stewart