This past 7 months has been so full of life, connection and new beginnings. Starting with moving into the new space in February eveything has changed. Having a physical space to host events, have classes, and just generally bring people together, has made me think so differently about my own artwork, my potential and my dreams. This space has given me the desire to uplift and showcase other artists and for the moment I want to focus on the work of other female contemporary artists.

This September launched the the inaugural opening of Quarterlies; Quarterly Art Openings for Female Artists. The First quarterly showcases local fiber artist Allison Sinkewich and her series of cross-stitch stills from “2001, A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick. This set of 12 stills has a profound level of precision and vibrancy. At first glance the work looks like a photo, as you get closer you see the individual stitches acting like ones and zeros like a computer’s color display system. The artist has created a dialogue between thread and technology, AI and ancient practice, art and its creator.

Allison began to make the work in 2006 and it took her a decade to complete all 12 stills. A project that took a decade, speaking to a film made in 1968 about where the world would be in 30 years, and now 60+ years later humanity has jumped into the deep end of a pool of a technology they barely understand. A technology where advancements take seconds, versus decades. This show is an opportunity to meditate on our use of AI, the just because we can, does it mean we should? And are we capable of keeping up with fast paced nature of technology, virus the slower paced reality of human progress and change?

See the Full Show in Person or here online.