LEGACY is an ongoing and often intimate conversation about where we come from, our nuclear families, our spiritual indoctrination and personal path beyond that, our communities, our integral part in our environment how it’s shaping us and our shaping of it, all these constituent parts come together to create what we are here to do, and what we will therefore leave for those who come after.

As the artist sees it, this has been unfolding through generations of humanity; in our personal family trees, through our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, and our countries. Each decision we make affects the collective, we may deny or acknowledge such interconnectedness, but it is taking place, each person is accountable to the collective story and unfolding of humanity. LEGACY seeks to communicate what an individual’s legacy in a single life will be and also our more collective legacy as human beings, and better yet what do we want it to be?

The questions LEGACY asks are:

What do you think of when hearing the term legacy?

If legacy exists as that which we leave behind to those to come, what was left to you in this lifetime?

  1. In terms of physical world reality

  2. In terms of societal

  3. In terms of environmental

  4. In terms of nuclear family

  5. In terms of emotional

  6. In terms of spiritual

Is there anything else that comes to your awareness around this topic?

What do you seek to leave as your own legacy?

Paige Stewart